A Message From the Principal

Welcome, Parents and Visitors!

Greetings in the name of the Lord. My name is Mrs June Hannah Ee. By God’s
grace, He has appointed me principal of BPRK.
I have been in the Early Childhood field for the last 24 years, going through the ranks
of teacher, Vice-principal and principal. I hold Bachelor of Science (ECCE) and
Master of Science (ECCE) degrees.

I am also an adjunct lecturer with the National Institute of Early Childhood (NIEC),
training pre and in-service teachers. My pet module topics are Curriculum, Home-
School Partnerships, Personal & Professional Development, Designing Learning
Environment for Young Children and Behaviour & Classroom Management.
Some of my other job scope over the years include conducting induction programme,
mentoring new teachers, designing and implementation of English and Chinese

Come and find out more about BPRK and our family of teachers, and discover what
we can do for your child. An adventure awaits your child!


June Hannah Ee
“Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit,” Says the LORD of hosts.
Zechariah 4:6